Politik Islam di Jawa Awal Abad Ke 20
The social dynamics of movement groups in cities is a consequence of the processes of colonization, industrialization and capitalization. In fact, if we look at the widening dynamics that occur, they often involve socio-religious and political organizations as well as city labor syndicates. Politics in Java in the early 20th century had a broad political influence on resistance to the colonial government. The process of expanding colonial policy at the beginning of the 20th century by concentrating on urban social groups not only caused internal problems within the Dutch East Indies government, but also had an impact on the policy application process. Religious social movements, regardless of their origins, have colored the process of national movements. Several cases that have been revealed in several historical works reveal more about how social conflict occurred between social groups between interests, both economic and the founding of SI (Sarikat Islam) in 1905 or 1909, a critical culture that was built as a marker for the emergence of the Islamic movement in its segmentation process. towards resistance to colonization. The dynamics of the development of Islamic organizations is something that has the potential not only to recall the process of independence, but also to provide knowledge and learning for the next generation.
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