Menyingkap Tabir di Balik Peristiwa Malapetaka 15 Januari (MALARI) 1974
This study aims to find out about: (1) the background of the events that preceded the MALARI Incident, (2) the chronology of the Malapetaka Event on January 15, 1974, and (3) the government blamed PSI-Masyumi, (4) Hariman Siregar's testimony, (5) ) The Ramadi document that cornered General Soemitro, and (6) General Soemitro's response to the Ramadi document, and (7) A new round of New Order government policies. This study uses historical research methods according to Kuntowijoyo. The results of this study indicate that the events that preceded the Malari incident were caused by the economic crisis in the early 70s, rampant corruption, collusion and nepotism as well as the involvement of the military which infiltrated students and the interference of foreign capital. Apart from that, the existence of a feud between the two government employees, namely Ali Moertopo as assistant to the president and Soemitro as the commander of the chief of security and security forces, was also the background to the Malari incident. The Malari incident reached its peak on January 15, 1974 when the Japanese Prime Minister visited Jakarta. The students welcomed the Prime Minister of Japan with a demonstration demanding the 3 demands of the people or (Tritura). The action was attended by students from various universities in Java. Apart from that, there was the involvement of the general public to thugs, thieves and other persons who caused chaos in the Malari incident. The Malari incident ended with the arrest of several University of Indonesia students and other parties involved in the demonstration. Even the chairman of DMUI Hariman Siregar was also detained and made a suspect in this incident. As a result of this event, President Suharto changed his leadership attitude.
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