Pemanfaatan Album Sejarah Sebagai Sumber Belajar Sejarah di SMA
History learning will be more meaningful and effective if you use visual media as a learning resource. The problem of this research is how to use history albums as a source of learning history in high school. This study aims to find out about (1) The use of historical albums as a learning resource in history learning. (2) Responses of teachers and learners when using history albums in history learning. (3) Obstacles faced by teachers in utilizing historical albums in learning activities. The research conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Pontang used qualitative descriptive research methods, observation data collection techniques, informant interviews, namely students who participated in history learning with historical album media and subject teachers who used historical album media. The results showed that (1) The implementation of history learning with historical album media at SMA Negeri 1 Pontang has been put to good use by history teachers. (2) The use of historical albums helps students understand learning material, develops students' interest in learning with history subjects, and helps students in building historical imagination. (3) In the use of history albums as learning resources, there are obstacles felt by teachers when teaching, namely the quality of photos when converted from printed to digital form and the state of school infrastructure.
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