Awal Mula Peradaban Yunani dan Para Ahli Filsafatnya Dalam Dunia Pendidikan
This research posits the development of ancient Greek civilization and the evolution of Greek philosophical thought. The research method used in this writing is a historical writing method which includes Heuristics, Verification, Interpretation, and Historiography. The birth of ancient Greece was marked by the Cretan island civilization, the Mycenaean civilization, and the Hellenic civilization in Greece. The name philosophy or philosopher comes from the Greek words philosophia and philosphos, according to the from of the word philo-shopos is a creator of wisdom. Ancient Greek philosophy occurred in the 6th century BC to about the 6th century AD. Socrates, a Greek philosopher, succeeded in transferring the system from the philosophy of the heavens to the philosophy of the earth. Socrates view of education stems from ignorance, which involves dialogue, conversation, and interaction with society. Plato as a student of Socrates gave birth to the idea of the Idea. Plato’s views focused on education as a means of strengthening Natioalism. Aristotle as a Greek philosopher managed to establish a large library in the Lyceum. Aristotle believed education should be based on knowledge and be a from of education for children to understand and respect knowledge.
KEYWORDS : Education, Philosophy, Western Civilization
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