Gerakan Samin: Konflik Hutan, Ratu Adil dan Perlawanan Kultural Petani Blora
The Samin movement is a consequence of the accumulation of people's misery due to the oppressive policies of the Dutch colonial government and is motivated by the uniformity of the mindset of the masses regarding the belief in the emergence of the figure of Ratu Adil within Samin Suro(se)ntiko. The purpose of this writing is to find out, identify the journey and development of the Samin Movement in Blora and interpret the character of Samin Suro(se)ntiko and his teachings. The Samin movement was not only a rejection of the colonial government's policies, but also influenced the culture, way of life and spirituality of its followers. Spirituality in the understanding of the Samin lies in the teachings of the ‘Agama Adam’ which is not an abstract doctrine but a gaman (weapon/life guide) and not a special ritual to the ‘Pengeran’ (God) but the behavior of everyday life. ‘Agama Adam’is actually the life guide (ageman) of the Samin people which is reflected clearly and concretely in their own lives. ‘Agama Adam’ is the basis for swagraha or non-violent resistance from the Samins. Without this source, it will be difficult to understand how the Samin as innocent poor farmers (wong cilik) have great courage in positioning themselves to oppose state power and reject it.
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